10 Best Bitcoin IRAs in 2023 to Secure your Retirement

As cryptocurrencies have become a popular investment instrument, more and more people are looking into Bitcoin IRAs as an alternative way to invest in retirement funds.  Bitcoin IRAs allow clients to invest in cryptocurrencies for their retirement funds and enjoy multiple tax benefits, which may not be there by...

Crypto Dollar Cost Averaging

Timing the market for the best returns is tricky and hard, to say the least, especially for beginners. Crypto dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is an investment strategy that solves this problem. With DCA, you make regular, small investments in crypto, regardless of whether the market is up or down. This...

Avoid Crypto Taxes in Canada: 5 Sneaky Methods

First off, we admit that the title is a bit misleading. It’s not entirely possible to avoid crypto taxes in Canada altogether. At least, not legally.  There are ways, however, to reduce your tax burden in a completely legal manner. Using the following strategies we’ll share in this guide,...

9 Best Crypto News Outlets in 2023: Stay Ahead of the Curve

Crypto and blockchain technology have gained significant attention in recent years, and with that, there has been a surge in demand for its media coverage. The following is a list of some of the best crypto news outlets today –  1. CoinDesk – Best Crypto News Outlet CoinDesk made...

Metaverse Real Estate: Must Read Before Investing

With the first virtual land sold in 2020, the metaverse real estate industry has skyrocketed ever since. From Adidas to Miller Lite, all big companies are now eager to invest in and purchase new land in the metaverse, not just as a marketing strategy but to offer actual products...

9 Best Crypto Trading Bots in 2023

Choosing the best crypto trading bots for your trades is just as important as your trading strategies and skills.  Most traders open multiple trade positions simultaneously. It’s almost impossible to manage and keep track of them all manually. That is why bots are an essential part of most crypto...

7 Best Crypto Margin Trading Exchanges in 2023

Margin trading is a high-risk, advanced trading strategy mostly used by veteran traders. It’s when an exchange loans you funds to open positions with 2x, 5x, 10x or even 50x leverage. However, more leverage doesn’t necessarily translate to a better exchange. To choose the best crypto margin trading exchanges,...

Top 10 Crypto Predictions for 2023

Before we dive into the top crypto predictions for 2023, let’s reflect on this last year.  2022 was a huge turning point for the crypto industry.  At the beginning of the year, we saw hiked interest rates, which led to broad market sell-offs affecting assets considered risky i,e., cryptocurrencies....

Blockchain Social Network Platforms: Future of Social Media

Blockchain social network platforms are the next generation of social media.  Don’t believe it? Why do you think Facebook, now Meta, announced the new metaverse platform, which is powered by Web3 and blockchain.  Twitter is also planning to integrate crypto into its platform. Something that will allow creators to...

Crypto Mortgages: A Game Changer for the Housing Market?

Crypto mortgaging is officially a thing now. Milo, a US-based crypto mortgage provider, recently announced that they crossed $10 million in total loan amount provided in crypto mortgages.  Believe it or not, it’s a significant milestone for the crypto mortgage market, especially considering how recent it is. It also...