BitcoinTaxes calculates gains, losses and income from cryptocurrency transactions.
Our customers enter their trading and spending information into BitcoinTaxes
in order to work out their capital gains for their taxes. They can also enter mining or earned income
amounts, where we calculate the fair market value, ready to report as part of their taxable income.
We can calculate some of these more complicated scenarios, for instance, where cryptocurrencies are bought on one
exchange then traded on another, splitting the cost-basis into multiple lots. Trading between, and disposing of,
cryptocurrencies all are tax events that we track and calculate gains or losses.
BitcoinTaxes can be used to:
Enter or import your client's trading history from various crypto exchanges
Enter any income from crypto payment processors, such as BitPay
Enter any spending, gifts or donations
Calculate the capital gains for these transactions
Calculate any mining, or other income using daily coin prices
Download Sales of Assets as CSVs, 8949 PDF, 8949 attachable statement or imports for Drake and CCH.
If you are new to cryptocurrencies, our Frequently Asked Questions pages might be helpful
in explaining some of the basics.
Directory of Tax Professionals
We often have requests from users for recommendations of accountants and direct them to our
directory of crypto-knowledgeable tax professionals.
The Crypto Tax Directory has moved to our new site, CRYPTOTAX.CPA.
If you would like to be featured in the directory, please click the button below that will take you over to CRYPTOCPA.TAX and then click the Add Entry button..