Category: Everything Crypto

5 Best Solana Wallets of 2024

Finding the best Solana wallets is crucial for anyone getting into the Solana ecosystem. Solana is popular for its quick transactions and affordability. The right wallet is important for keeping your Solana coins safe, easy to use, and making the most of Solana’s cool features. This guide introduces you...

DApps Explained: New Era of Money Ap

DApps, or Decentralized Applications, are open-source applications that run on a blockchain or peer-to-peer network of computers instead of a single server, ensuring they operate without the control of a single authority. As more people talk about the importance of keeping our data private, safe, and not in the...

6 Best Crypto Arbitrage Bots in 2024: Maximize Profits

The best crypto arbitrage bots are easy to use yet have advanced features, good support, and affordable pricing. The following list provides an in-depth analysis of leading arbitrage bots, comparing their features, user experience, and performance. What are Crypto Arbitrage Bots? If you’re reading this, you probably already know...

Multi-Signature Crypto Wallets: Explained

Multi-signature crypto wallets need more than one signature (private key) to approve transactions, which makes them safer because no single person has total control.  Crypto wallets are digital tools for storing and managing cryptocurrency. They come in different types like hardware, software, and paper wallets, each with its own...

Crypto-Paying Jobs: The Ultimate Guide to Earning in Digital Gold

Getting crypto-paying jobs involves identifying skills in demand in the crypto industry, platforms to find jobs that pay in crypto, creating an effective resume, acing the interview, and negotiating salary terms. Essentially, it’s not much different from getting any other job. Even the tax implications are similar in most...

6 Countries with Unusual Crypto Tax Laws

While Switzerland and Malta stand out due to their crypto-friendly tax laws, India, Spain, Denmark, and the Netherlands are among the countries with unusual crypto-tax laws for all the wrong reasons.  In this guide, we will dive into countries with unique crypto tax laws that don’t necessarily follow the...

3 Long-Term Crypto Investment Strategies (+4 Tips)

HODLing and DCA are the only two long-term crypto investment strategies with the most probability of bringing you substantial gains, while passive income sources, such as staking and yield farming, can be risky yet effective add-ons.  But why choose long-term crypto investment instead of trying to make quick cash...

8 Best Crypto Mining Pools in 2024 (Without Expensive Equipment)

Why are we talking about the best crypto mining pools? Is mining still profitable?  Even in 2024, mining crypto remains an attractive income stream for many. However, not everyone can afford the expensive mining hardware, equipment, and electricity costs it requires to make mining a profitable business venture. That...

Crypto Taxes in Finland: An In-Depth Guide

Here is how crypto taxes in Finland work: You pay capital gains tax when you sell, spend, or swap crypto with gains over €1,000, while income tax applies to earnings from services, mining, or crypto-related activities.  However, this is a bit of an oversimplification. In this comprehensive guide, we...

Bitcoin and Environment: Separating Hype from Truth

Bitcoin mining’s energy consumption is comparable to that of a small to medium-sized country, contributing 71.95 million metric tons of CO2 and generating 69.72 thousand metric tons of electronic waste each year.  While these figures may seem alarming, this article aims to provide a balanced perspective. We’ll discuss the...