Ideas and Suggestions for Bitcoin.Tax

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Premium Support


Suggested by Michael M. on 09/02/2017

Add a premium support layer of some sort. I am willing to pay either for a higher level subscription or a per-ticket basis to have my tickets handled quickly, as this is business-critical for me.

  • Glenn W. on 11/24/2017

    Yep! I would pay for this in a heartbeat.
  • Rusty on 01/06/2018

    Countning on this software without live support in a business environment isn't a solution. Charge for support either e higher prices or per instance. But provide support for your customers.
  • Dean T. on 03/16/2018

    Need handbook online. Very complex. Not fun.
  • Marcus on 05/26/2020

    I would be willing to pay for a service like this and would benifit from it by working out details needed for product improvements. e.g.: support personell could document what folks are getting support for and publish guides for workarounds then finally code into the site for automation = less support calls.

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